CO-P1 Conic Center
Construction (See Ref-19):
1. Let A, B, C, D, E be 5 points on the Reference Conic.
2. Let the tangents at A, B meet at T, and those at B, C meet at TO.
3. Let M, MO be the midpoints of AB and BC, then the center O is MT.MOTO.
1. Let A, B, C, D, E be 5 points on the Reference Conic.
2. Let the tangents at A, B meet at T, and those at B, C meet at TO.
3. Let M, MO be the midpoints of AB and BC, then the center O is MT.MOTO.
Construction of Conic Tangents:
4. Let d = AB, e = BC, a = CD, b = DE, c = EA, then bd.ce cuts a in a point lying on the tangent at A.
4. Let d = AB, e = BC, a = CD, b = DE, c = EA, then bd.ce cuts a in a point lying on the tangent at A.