Besides Triangle Geometry there is a geometry of 4 points and/or 4 lines. 
This geometry has its own rules.
There are spectacular points, lines, circles, conics, cubics and transformations typical in the Quadri Enviroment. 
Did you know that the centroid of a Quadrangle differs from the centroid of a Quadrilateral?
Besides Triangle Geometry and Quadri Geometry there is a geometry of 'n' points and/or 'n' lines, where 'n' is a natural number.
This geometry has its own rules.
All points, lines, circles, conics, cubics and transformations are equally dependent on the 'n' points and/or 'n' lines of its base configuration.
Perspective Fields are fields of related points.
 It is not mere coincident that so many points are collinear in Geometry.
 There is a "hidden structure" . . . . .