Quadrangles General Information
QA-1: Systematics for describing QA-Points
QA-2: List of QA-Lines QA-3: List of Parallel QA-Lines QA-4: List of Perpendicular QA-Lines QA-5: List of QA-Crosspoints QA-6: QA-conversion CT- to DT-coordinates QA-7: QA-conversion DT- to CT-coordinates QA-8: The Dual QA/QL-configuration Quadrangle Components
QA-3QG1: QA-Component Quadrigons
QA-4Tr1: QA-Component Triangles
Quadrangle Centers QA-P1: QA-Centroid or Quadrangle Centroid
QA-P2: Euler-Poncelet Point QA-P3: Gergonne-Steiner Point QA-P4: Isogonal Center QA-P5: Isotomic Center QA-P6: Parabola Axes Crosspoint QA-P7: QA-Nine-point Homothetic Center QA-P8: Midray Homothetic Center QA-P9: QA-Miquel Center QA-P10: Centroid of QA-Diagonal Triangle QA-P11: Circumcenter of QA-Diagonal Triangle QA-P12: Orthocenter of QA-Diagonal Triangle QA-P13: Nine-point Center of QA-Diagonal Triangle QA-P14: Centroid of the Morley Triangle QA-P15: OrthoCenter of the Morley Triangle QA-P16: QA-Harmonic Center QA-P17: Involutary Conjugate of QA-P5 QA-P18: Involutary Conjugate of QA-P19 QA-P19: AntiCompl. of QA-P16 wrt QA-Diagonal Triangle QA-P20: Reflection of QA-P5 in QA-P1 QA-P21: Reflection of QA-P16 in QA-P1 QA-P22: Midpoint of QA-P1 and QA-P20 QA-P23: Inscribed Square Axes Crosspoint QA-P24: Anticompl. of QA-P1 wrt Morley Triangle QA-P25: 1st QA-Quasi Centroid QA-P26: 2nd QA-Quasi Centroid QA-P27: M3D Center QA-P28: Midpoint Foci of QA-Parabolas QA-P29: Compl. of QA-P2 wrt QA-Diagonal Triangle QA-P30: Reflection of QA-P2 in QA-P11 QA-P31: Compl. of QA-P16 wrt QA-Diagonal Triangle QA-P32: Centroid of Circumcenter Quadrangle QA-P33: Centroid of Orthocenter Quadrangle QA-P34: Euler-Poncelet Point of Centroid Quadrangle QA-P35: 1st Penta Point QA-P36: Compl. of QA-P30 wrt QA-Diagonal Triangle QA-P37: Reflection of QA-P12 in QA-P1 QA-P38: Montesdeoca-Hutson Point QA-P39: Midpoint of QA-P12 and QA-P20 QA-P40: Centroid of the QL-P6-Triple Triangle QA-P41: Involutary Conjugate of QA-P4 QA-P42: QA-Orthopole Center QA-P43: Least Squared Distance Point QA and QA-DT
QA-P44: Least Squared Distance Point to QA-sidelines
Quadrangle Lines
QA-L5: Euler Line QA-Diagonal Triangle
QA-L6: QA-Newton-Morley Line
QA-L10: QA-LSD Line
Quadrangle Conics
QA-Co-1: QA-DT-Conic Perspector
QA-Ci1: QA-Circumcircle Diagonal Triangle
QA-Ci2: QA-Medial Circle Diagonal Triangle
QA-Co1: QA-Nine-point Conic
QA-Co2: QA-Orthogonal Hyperbola
QA-Co3: QA-Gergonne-Steiner Conic
QA-Co4: QA-DT-P3-P12 Orthogonal Hyperbola
QA-Co5: QA-DT-P1-P16 Conic
QA-2Co1: Pair of Circumscribed QA-Parabolas
Quadrangle Cubics QA-Cu-1: Circumscribed QA-Cubics
QA-Cu1: QA-DT-P4 Cubic / Zirkularkurve
QA-Cu2: QA-DT-P5 Cubic
QA-Cu3: QA-DT-P10 Cubic
QA-Cu4: QA-DT-P19 Cubic
QA-Cu5: QA-DT-P1 Cubic
QA-Cu7: QA-Quasi Isogonal Cubic
Quadrangle Triangles QA-Tr-1: QA-Triple Triangles
QA-Tr-2: Perspective QA-Triple Triangles
QA-Tr-3: Orthologic QA-Triple Triangles
QA-Tr-4: Cyclologic QA-Triple Triangles
QA-Tr-5: Parallelologic QA-Triple Triangles
QA-Tr-6: Eulerologic QA-Triple Triangles
QA-Tr1: QA-Diagonal Triangle
QA-Tr2: Miquel Triangle
QA-Tr3: Morley Triangle
Quadrangle Transformations
QA-Tf1: QA-Line Involution Center
QA-Tf2: QA-Involutary Conjugate
QA-Tf3: QA-Orthopole Transformation
QA-Tf4: QA-Moebius Conjugate
QA-Tf5: QA-5th point Tangent Involution Center
QA-Tf6: Quang Duong's Transformation
QA-Tf7: QA-Trilinear Pole
QA-Tf8: QA-Orthopolar Line
QA-Tf9: QA-5th Point Tangent
QA-Tf10: QA-QuadriPole
QA-Tf11: QA-QuadriPolar
QA-Tf12: QA-Pedal Point
QA-Tf13: QA-AntiPedal Point
QA-Tf14: QA-Orthotransversal Point
QA-Tf15: P-Circumscribed Conic Center
QA-Tf16: QA-Keizer-Schmidt Conjugate
QA-Tf17: 1st QA-Hung’s Transformation
QA-Tf18: 2nd QA-Hung’s Transformation
Quadrangle Perspective Fields
QA-PF-1: QA-Perspective Fields
Ref-xx: References