QL-2: List of QL-Lines
In next list all QL-points are mentioned without prefix “QL-”.
When lines have more than 2 points on it, they are defined by the 2 points with lowest serial number.
These QL-lines are described further with their properties:
– QL-L1: P5, P7, P12, P20, P22, P23 (Newton Line)
– QL-L2: P2, P7, P9 (Steiner Line)
– QL-L3: P19 (Pedal Line)
– QL-L4: P2, P3 (Morley Line)
– QL-L5: P1, P7, P19 (NSM-Line)
– QL-L6: P2, P10 (Quasi Ortholine)
– QL-L7: P8, P9, P10, P11 (QL-DT-Euler Line)
– QL-L8: P8, P12, P14, P15, P18 (QL-Centroids Line)
– QL-L9: P18, P23 (M3D Line)
Other QL-Lines without name but with at least 3 Points on it are:
– P1, P8, P24
– P1, P10, P16
– P1, P20, P21,
– P2, P4, P22
– P2, P6, P12
– P3, P4, P5, P6
– P8, P17, P25,
– P13, P17, P24